Thursday, July 19, 2007

More Icebreakers

Balloon Activities
Games you can play with balloons to get a group having fun and working together. Includes the hilarious "Fire in the Hole" (balloon on tummy, running at another person, bursting the balloon).

Group Juggle
Throw balls to others in a sequence, using each person's name. Works every time. Can be extended to "Warp Speed" (to see how fast the group can throw balls through a set order to each group member).

Gotchya (Grab the Finger)
Fast-moving 5 min. group activity to get people together and focused. In a circle, right finger on next person's left palm. Try to grab a finger before yours gets grabbed.

Human Knot
In a circle, people put their arms in and hold someone else's hand, then try to unravel the knot without letting go of hands. Involves getting physically close to others, stretching, laughing and problem solving.

2 Truths & a LiePeople write down two truths about themselves and a lie. Then introduce the three "facts" to the rest of the group who tries to guess which one is a lie.

Fear in a Hat
Group members write personal fears anonymously on pieces of paper which are collected. Then each person randomly selects and reads someone else's fear to the group and explains how the person might feel. Fosters interpersonal empathy.

Have You Ever?
Active, fun group activity to explore and celebrate the rich diversity of people's past experiences. Works well with large groups.

A group tries to create a unified story from a set of sequential pictures. The pictures are randomly ordered and handed out. Each person has a picture but cannot show it to others. Requires patience, communication, and trying to understand from another's point of view in order to recreate the story's sequence.

Animal Sounds
Participants are blindfolded and assigned an animal. The challenge is to use animal noises in order to meet up with other animals of same species. Releases energy. Loud, fun, chaotic, then gradually order and unity emerge.

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