Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Few words about e - learning

I want to itroduce you a definition and objectives of e-learning

Definition of e-Learning

e-Learning is defined as ‘learning facilitated and supported through the use of information and communications technology (ICT).’ The e-learning and Pedagogy programme aims to ensure that e-Learning, as practised in UK HE and FE, should be ‘pedagogically sound, learner-focused and accessible.’ The general background for this programme is the ongoing need to support practitioners in realising this aim.


Objectives of the e-Learning and Pedagogy programme are to:
1. review and – where possible – to enhance current knowledge about effective pedagogies for e-learning
2. explore how this knowledge can be effectively applied by practitioners in developing e-learning and teaching practice
3. promote the development of terminology and frameworks that will improve understanding and sharing of practice in e-learning
4. investigate approaches to the design of e-learning activities and make recommendations for further development (of software, of guidelines or of standards)
5. develop recommendations and resources for the community, e.g. practical toolsets, methodologies etc.
In pursuing these objectives JISC will:
• work closely with partner agencies and concurrent projects
• consult with existing practitioner networks and JISC user groups
• review existing resources and work-in-progress, identifying key lessons and significant gaps
• commission a limited number of desk studies
• commission evaluative projects to investigate applications and approaches to learning design
• support an ongoing process of collation, synthesis, review and planning in relation to programme outcomes
• create coherent tools and resources to communicate programme outcomes

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